It is crucial to maintain proper oral health at all times. Dentists recommend supplementing your routine dental hygiene with professional dental exams and cleaning. Therefore, you should attend dental exams and cleanings in Worcester, MA, at least twice yearly.
The expert will help you keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. They will also prevent or detect potential oral issues before they become severe. Continue reading about dental exams and cleanings and why you should always prioritize them.
They are procedures carried out by a dentist or dental hygienist in a dental office. The expert uses various diagnostic tools to examine your oral tissues. They then thoroughly clean your teeth and gums, removing debris, plaque, and tartar. When you schedule a dental exam and cleaning appointment with a dentist in Worcester, MA, they do them at once.
A dentist carries out various dental exams depending on the patient’s oral health needs and goals. For example, they will perform a comprehensive exam during your initial dental visit. This exam consists of thoroughly assessing your mouth, throat, jaws, teeth, and gums.
The dentist in Worcester, MA will carry out the exam using several diagnostic tools. For example, they will use a hand-held mirror to check around your mouth and gums. They will also do full mouth x-rays or scans if they detect major problems. The expert will also screen for issues like oral cancer.
After a comprehensive exam, the dentist will perform regular or recall exams. These must be carried out every six months. They help the dental expert check for issues that arise between checkups. In addition, they allow the dentist to monitor oral health and prevent complications. Finally, the procedures help diagnose gum disease, decay, and oral cancer.
The dentist will begin professionally cleaning your teeth after the exam. The first step is getting rid of plaque and tartar accumulated between your teeth. They will also scrape the deposits from around your gum line and tongue. Next, the dental professional will use an automatic ultrasonic or thin hand scaler.
After tartar and plaque removal, the dentist will brush and polish your teeth. They will use a special high-powered electric toothbrush and gritty toothpaste. After scrubbing your teeth, the dentist will expertly floss your teeth. The process helps them locate areas deep between the teeth with potential problems.
Next, they will rinse your mouth to eliminate all debris from your mouth. The final step of dental exams and cleanings in Worcester, MA, is a fluoride treatment. Your dentist will apply fluoride on your teeth to help fight against cavities.